Phobos and Deimos

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Deimos's Ship
Phobos's Ship
Deimos Dialogue Model
Phobos Dialogue Model

Phobos and Deimos are 2 siblings (Deimos is the brother and Phobos is the sister) that act as the second boss in Paper Planet. They fight you in pairs, being the only bosses to do so.



Uncontrolled giggling can be heard from within Deimos's ship. You dread to imagine what devious horrors he's concocting...


Phobos's ship seems to be hastily cobbled together, with more effort looking cool than actual battle capabilites. Scribbled on the chassis are the words "Trust the process"


Phobos and Deimos are bosses of the second area. Both of them will spawn at the top center of the screen with Phobos first spawning followed by Deimos behind. The player will have to fight them at the same time. Deimos will fly clockwise around he player while Phobos will fly counter-clockwise around the player. Their attacks are interconnected and they have two phases. In their first phase, they will have two attacks they randomly choose to use. The first attack is when Phobos shoots 2 lines of 5 yellow bullets at the player while Deimos shoots 3 red bullets. Their second attack is when Deimos shoots a rocket while Phobos summons 2 mothership drones. Once one of the two is defeated, the other one will go into Phase two. Once in Phase two, they will rotate around the player faster and use their attacks faster and with more bullets/rockets per shot, They will also use both of their attacks at the same time.



First Meeting

Phobos: Prepare for double!

Deimos: And make it trouble!

Phobos: Phobos!

Deimos: Deimos!

Phobos: I hope you’re ready to be unalived!

Deimos: Because after we’re through with you, you’ll be so dead you’ll have… uhh… died!


Phobos and Deimos are the names of the two moons that orbit the planet Mars in our solar System