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"A standard template battlecruiser, model SN-00bes. Instead of focusing on raw firepower, its cost efficient frame is meant to minimize the time spent drawing it, so that it can be easily remade after a tough fight. As such, Sharp prefers to wear down her opponents in a drawn out war of attrition instead of a single bombastic battle."


Sharp has two phases, starting in the first and switching to the second upon reaching 50% health.

Phase 1

Sharp will orbit the planet at a fixed distance, periodically changing direction. Every 5 seconds, she randomly will either fire a barrage of 12 yellow bullets, or a barrage of 6 red bullets, both with moderate accuracy.

Phase 2

Upon entering the second phase, she will attempt to fire a large yellow laser at the planet. She will approach the planet and will telegraph which direction she will move. Although she may not start the charge up immediately upon the initialisation of phase two, the laser will always be the first attack she makes during her second phase. During the attack, she orbits the planet, at a speed slightly faster than the default turret speed of 100.

Once this attack is finished, and she will go back to using her normal attack, periodically using the laser again. The normal attack is upgraded in the second phase, instead firing 18 yellow bullets or 12 red bullets.

Sharp Second Phase


Sharp, like the other bosses, will talk to the player (HQ Guy) in Story Mode. During the first two encounters with her, she will have the same conversation, but afterwards the game will pull from a random set of dialogue options.

Encounter #1

Sharp: You made it, color me surprised.

HQ Guy: But-

Sharp: Well then.. Sorry to rain on your parade, but you won’t be going any farther.

Encounter #2

HQ Guy: You’re back?! Didn’t we blow you up last time?

Sharp: Yep

HQ Guy: How did you get your ship back?

Sharp: You know those cartoons where everything resets each episode? It’s like that.

HQ Guy: That still doesn’t make much sense.

Sharp: These ships aren’t hard to draw, just don’t question it.

Random #1

Sharp: I'll never understand Wildfire's fixation with combustion.

HQ Guy: Why's that?

Sharp: There are much more efficient ways to destroy someone, let me demonstrate.

Random #2

HQ Guy: You know, you don't seem to get along with any of the other bosses.

Sharp: I can't stand the other ones, except Violet, she's alright.

Random #3

Sharp: Ah~ Violet's tea is the best.

HQ Guy: Wow, I think this is the first time I've seen you smile.

Sharp: What can I Say? She knows her way into a woman's heart.

Random #4

Sharp: You’re annoyingly persistent, aren’t you?

HQ Guy: What are we supposed to do, just let you blow us up?

Sharp: That’d be the easy way.

HQ Guy: We are not going down without a fight!

Sharp: Hard way it is, then.

Random #5

HQ Guy: Long time no see.

Sharp: We meet again.

HQ Guy: Another round?

Sharp: Another round.